Two cases to be considered for the use of geoinformation for the dissemination of census data (Canada and South Africa)

In addition, the democratization
in the use of this type of information was dramatically leveraged when the
“selective availability" was turned off by decision of President Bill Clinton in areas covered by the
satellites of the United States navigation system that were circumventing the
planet. Starting in the midnight of May 1st 2000, any civilian equipped with a
GPS device was able to know its geographical location in the planet and, with
the necessary software and hardware, to generate his own maps.
This breakthrough didn’t stop at
the technological level; moreover, the changes in the use of the geo
information have been used in countless human disciplines, among others,
official statistics.
The national statistical offices
of many countries have begun to use information and communication technologies
to improve the dissemination of statistical information with geographical
reference according to the ambition of their census qualities and other
statistical surveys. Internet, GIS (geographical information systems) and
mobile phones (especially smart ones), are evolving and massively wide
spreading the use of geographic information based on censuses.
example, the case of Stats Can - the Office of Canadian statistics - offers GeoSearch
, an application developed to display updated geographical information with Census 2011 data . It allows to select locations in Canada, view them on
a map and get basic geographic and demographic data. To find a specific place
of interest, users can zoom in the page or even search by name, zip code, address,
street, corner or geographic code any location desired in the country. The
application displays the map indicating the geographic boundaries of the 2011
Census, as well as roads or identified water sources.
GeoSearch indicates also
what kind of standardized geographic
area for the 2011 census you are viewing and what is the relationship with
other geographical standardized census areas -. It has an option to create
thematic maps on selected aspects of the census at various territorial levels:
census divisions (CD), census subdivisions (CSD) and census extensions (CT).
There are also some independent visualization
developments with a less technical but more intuitive interphase, such as that
allows you to zoom in and display data based on mash ups (mixtures of sources) combining google maps and microdata. The application allows discovering such
detailed data as the third and fourth language spoken in a particular
neighborhood or the number of households parented by common-law in a given
block. This is quite a detailed information, indeed.
Another case with an interesting
dissemination model behind, is the one from Statistics South Africa that offers
in the
page the product Digital Census Atlas, an interface based on the principle of
interactive mapping where the user selects the variable and the territorial
level for geographical representation. The product has four major components:
maps overview, specific maps, comparative maps and reporting function.
This Office has also developed
together with the private sector powerful applications for data visualization
for iPhone and iPad for multiple geographical and thematic levels. Another
initiative in this line of association is
This development invites to visit the neighborhood of the virtual visitors in 5
simple steps, choosing the language (english or afrikaans) in which you wish to consult and clicking
on the thematic area of interest, with options between demographics, income,
education or local employment characteristics. The basic unit of analysis is
that of a municipality, quite bigger than that of the Canadian case. Anyway,
once you have selected the location opens a box with data from the Census of
that geographical unit.
These two cases are encouraging
and instructive at the same time. They not only show how governments and people
are concerned to systematizing census data to make them visible and atractive
to others in a geographic format but also they teach that an open data policy
encourages a healthy and creative participation of the private sector in close
collaboration with national offices of statistics.
Unfortunately, these two cases
show the exception rather than the rule in Latin America and the Caribbean,
especially compared with the developments evidenced in terms of visualization
of geographic data in the present round of censuses. The reality of the region,
in this sense, still has a long way to go. It would be advisable that more
statistical offices could let themselves be influenced by cases such as the
above, avoiding to procrastinate this kind of advances to the next round of
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